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No more fear of AI: AI training helps businesses get started

Published on Thursday, September 7th 2023


AI is a hot topic in the corporate world. Organizations are eager to use it, but also a bit apprehensive. To clarify this new technology’s potential, Inetum Belgium has designed the Do You Speak AI? training program.

AI Applications have exploded. “Everyone is talking about it. Still, many businesses are unsure of exactly what AI involves and how they could be using it to work more efficiently and better serve their customers. This inspired us to design Do You Speak AI, our blended learning experience program,” says Jouri Goos, Consulting Business Line Manager at Inetum Belgium. The company wants to help organizations explore what the added value of IT and technology could do for organizational solutions.

Raising awareness

“The training sessions start by improving people’s awareness of exactly what AI means. That introduction is included for good reason,” says Hans Borghgraef, Digital Consulting Solution Manager at Inetum Belgium. “Research shows that 70% of technological projects started on impulse do not get very far. Often, they don’t even make it out of the planning stages due to insufficient management support and staff resistance.”

Employees discover that they have already encountered AI without knowing it. Hans Borghgraef, solution manager digital consulting

That’s why Do You Speak AI? is deliberately focused on the human side of this technology. “You need to get people on board,” emphasizes Hans Borghgraef. “As with all trends, the initial response to AI was enthusiastic, but now people are more cautious. Employees fear for their jobs. With our program, we want to supplant ignorance, show the technological solutions’ potential and encourage people to embrace AI.”

Self-paced learning program

Inetum Belgium’s learning program offers two levels: Discovery (for beginners) and Advanced. Particularly at the first level, the master class includes plenty of space for participants to ask questions and express their concerns. “Employees discover that they have already encountered AI without knowing it. An example is Outlook’s Viva Insights application, which suggests that you schedule focus time in your calendar. Once they become aware of that, they realize there’s no need to be so afraid of AI,” says Hans Borghgraef.

The more insight employees gain about AI, the more freely they will consider ways this technology could benefit their organization. Jouri Goos, business line manager consulting

The learning process is playful and everyone proceeds at their own pace, regardless of position or technical background. Borghgraef knows that “people stop listening if you use too many technical terms. Presenting the concepts in plain language can be a challenge. To check whether everyone is still getting it, we make time for feedback and even include a quiz.”

Modern take on the suggestion box

Once participants have been introduced to what AI means, they are in the right mindset to tackle real-life situations together. “Customers know their own business better than anyone else. The better their understanding of AI, the more freely they will consider ways this technology could benefit their organization,” says Jouri Goos. “During the final workshop, participants list their own use cases. In this way, customers gain a roadmap for the further development of AI solutions.”

Borghgraef sees Do You Speak AI? as a self-filling suggestion box. “Unlike notes dropped into a suggestion box, this approach encourages co-creation. The use cases receive more varied input. That makes the idea-refinement process more effective.”

This article was written in collaboration with De Tijd.

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